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Thoughtoftheweek | Dopps Chiropractic: Our family bringing health to your family for over 40 years!

Tag Archives: thoughtoftheweek

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From Instagram: NFL Nerve Flow Level


The Pain Stops at Doppson Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek || With the kick off of professional football last night, it makes me wonder who’s team are we on. The innate intelligence that flows through our body is like the QB, calling all of the shots and modifying all the plays. With lower amounts of interference, or […]

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From Instagram: Remove the Interference


The Pain Stops at Doppson Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek || It’s really that simple! If you’ve thought chiropractic was anything else, you’ve overthought it. Remove the interference in the nerve system and allow your body to heal itself, from inside. Chiropractic works from sending LIFE from above in the brain, down the spinal cord, inside the […]

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From Instagram: I Feel…


The Pain Stops at Doppson Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek || Affirmations are an essential part of your day. If you’ve never learned how to a daily affirmation, it’s easy! Choose words that describe who you are or who you want to become, after time and repetition, you will become what you repeatedly think about. We are […]

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From Instagram:


The Pain Stops at Doppson Instagram: Introducing Kenzie, Chloe and Henry. Three new practice members from three different families all born within the last two weeks. Stay tuned for more babies get it tested right after birth. #ConnectedAtBirth #chirokidsrock #chiropractic #chiroblog Serving Wichita with 11 different, independently owned offices.Link to this post!

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From Instagram:

The Pain Stops at Dopps on Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek || #health is about having an abundance of life in your body. Think about it, if 0% life is death and 100% LIFE is health, then 50% life must be some level of sickness or disease. Life flows in one direction, from Above Down Inside Out, […]

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From Instagram:

The Pain Stops at Dopps on Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek || Today is the first day of summer, which also happens to be the longest day of the year! Did you know that #ddpalmer & #bjpalmer defined the act of subluxation as the “process of less illumination”. That’s what a subluxation was and still is, as […]

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From Instagram:

The Pain Stops at Dopps on Instagram: BREWS & BBQ – 2 DAYS AWAY! Gentleman start your fasting! Brews and Barbecue is only 2 days away! Thats right, this Friday June 17th is the big day! If you haven’t reserved your appointment, please call the office and let Denise or Gennefer know that you […]

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From Instagram:

The Pain Stops at Dopps on Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek || You know when you know. Before the onset of symptoms, before pain starts your body is alerting you to take action! Getting adjusted re-establishes the flow of your inner intelligence, allow you the ability to express health better than you’ve been able to before! When […]

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From Instagram:

The Pain Stops at Dopps on Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek || There are many things that the world needs more of; peace, hope, love.. and #chiropractic! #bjpalmer once said, if he could have adjusted Adolf Hitler, he could have changed the course of history. That statement is very “BJ” but still, research shows that the #specificscientificchiropracticadjustment […]

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From Instagram:

The Pain Stops at Dopps on Instagram: #thoughtoftheweek || The art of chiropractic removes the interference in a persons nerve system, allowing a better communication between the brain and the body. What happens afterward the specific adjustment is a result of normal function being restored. Restored function is the basis for proper health and […]

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The Pain Stops at Dopps! With multiple locations in and around the Wichita metroplex, Dopps Chiropracitc is the clear choice for many Kansans.