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The Walking Subluxated… | Dopps Chiropractic: Our family bringing health to your family for over 40 years!

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The Walking Subluxated…

The Pain Stops at Dopps


What do Zombies and the chronically Subluxated have in common? Both are doomed to aimlessly wander the earth more DEAD – than fully ALIVE!

It’s common for those suffering with chronic Subluxations to feel tired, fatigued and disinterested in Life – like they’re barely existing. If left undetected, chronic Subluxations interfere with the normal flow of power in your Nerve System, leaving you physically, mentally and emotionally drained. The result: you end up walking around in a trance-like state, clueless to the fact that you’d feel more alive if you simply got adjusted.

Do you know someone who’s meandering through life like the walking dead? Nothing’s scarier than living hopelessly in a ‘zombie-like-fog’ because of Subluxations. Reach out and tell them how Chiropractic care can transform them from the walking dead to the well-adjusted!

Serving Wichita with 11 different, independently owned offices.

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The Pain Stops at Dopps! With multiple locations in and around the Wichita metroplex, Dopps Chiropracitc is the clear choice for many Kansans.